Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) | Search for a title, author or keyword | ||||||||
Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) This page provides links to documentation for the Java Platform, Micro Edition ( Java ME ) and Java Card technologies. Java ME platform is a collection of technologies and specifications that can be combined to construct a complete Java runtime environment specifically to fit the requirements of a particular device ( like PDA, mobile phone, printers and so on ) or market. Java ME technology was originally created in order to deal with the constraints associated with building applications for small devices. For this purpose Sun defined the basics for Java ME technology to fit such a limited environment and make it possible to create Java applications running on small devices with limited memory, display and power capacity. The Java ME technology is based on three elements: a configuration provides the most basic set of libraries and virtual machine capabilities for a broad range of devices; a profile is a set of APIs that support a narrower range of devices; an optional package is a set of technology-specific APIs. Over time the Java ME platform has been divided into two base configurations, one to fit small mobile devices ( Connected Limited Device Configuration or CLDC and Mobile Information Device Profile or MIDP ) and one to be targeted towards more capable mobile devices ( Connected Device Configuration or CDC ) like smart-phones.
Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) | Disclaimer: this link points to content provided by other sites. |